NOW, six months later ... im still single, a lil bitter, & lonely. all I want is a genuine man to call on when im feelin down, to just have crazy fun together. have random dinners or lunch together. goin bowling, shopping together, to the movies. etc. all those cute things I see other couples doin that I've never experienced. But six months later ... my heart is made of stone & every dude that comes my way I turn him away...I've set my standards higher just so I won't be hurt again. i know for sure i am stronger mentally. just not ready to be in a relationship & if that right guy comes along...i hope i dont let him pass by, if he hasnt already.& at the rate im goin I think ill be single for the rest of my life.
for some reason I still have these crazy pics of us ... well him. there were more but i love the ones of him off guard. maybe i should delete em but idk if im ready for that step just yet.