so abt a month ago or so i was in the americas next top model contest.
i didnt win the contest but i received alot of votes maybe around top 20-30 out of 500+ girls. i was still going to to go the auditions come aug 8th. i took off & everything & it was announced that the auditions were pushed back til sept 12th. as time passed by i was excited, but knew school was a priority & decided not to go to the auditions. even though i have wanted to tryout since i was 12 or 13 & when i finally turned 18, i could NEVER make it to the auditions, due to work, etc. BUT w/ some convincing of my TRUE friends & fam. I went w/ my homegirl JESSICA. she tried out as well. i didnt make it to the first round, because i wasnt prepared. I didnt have pictures or a application, etc. Which im not sad abt not making it b/c i wasnt prepared. so next time around i know what i have to bring to the table. the girls that auditioned w/ me did crazy & silly things to get noticed. hmmm ...