MY PRESIDENT IS BLACK & HIS NAME IS OBAMA, BARACK OBAMA THAT IS!! BELIEVE THAT! Today in society ppl are use to seeing "white" men in office and now that this powerful black man stepped his foot in the door its turnin ppls nose's the other way! Its a shame that our society is soooo prejudice but I know i have my voters registration card and im voting for OBAMA. NOT BC HES BLACK, but bc I love & understand what HE STANDS FOR. It sucks that the youth 18-25 age ranges dont vote and that black ppl dont vote when really our vote will make the difference, but they figure it doesnt matter, YES IT DOES! VOTE PPL! and dont be fooled by MCCAINS CHOICE OF HAVIN A FEMALE VP ITS ONLY TRYIN TO THROW US OFF! She isnt very experienced and I WOULDNT want her as a president if somethin would happen to MCCAIN so be smart, VOTE! DONT COMPLAIN IF YOUR NOT VOTING YOU CANT COMPLAIN IF YOU DONT VOTE !